About me

Who am I?

Someone who doesn't like doing introductions, for starters... 

I decided to make this website to understand myself better while showcasing things that matter to me. I suppose, in a sense, I am someone who cares about many things, which can make for high heights and deep depths. I like going into lots of detail where possible and enjoy a wide range of topics, which I will gradually demonstrate in the blog section of my website. 

I am autistic, and I take a lot of interest in this diagnosis and the research on this neurological difference. It has become quite a core part of who I am since the diagnosis, but on reflection, it always was. Being autistic is a different way to live and requires me to approach life uniquely; otherwise, I experience increased stress-related symptoms. In essence, the more I can be myself, the less pain I experience. So, making this website has served as a sort of painkiller that strikes at the cause of the pain rather than acting as a mask. 

I also have an ADHD diagnosis, so I am completely frenetic with my life. This is a great condition to have with autism since it means I have a lot of hobbies and interests that I take to some depth. It also means I qualify for drugs such as methylphenidate, which helps me to focus that hyperactive energy into productivity rather than have a million thoughts a moment! 

I am also interested in topics ranging from Theology to Psychopharmacology and enjoy reading journal articles on more or less everything. This will be reflected in my blog as I add to it over time. 

Who do I support and why?

South Norfolk Green Party

I support the South Norfolk Green Party because I believe Britain needs progressive, sustainable policy to survive. 

In recent years we have seen austerity, privatisation, climate change, Brexit, Trussonomics and rampant inequality.

Ahead of us, I see a gutting of our human rights, eco-fascism and the normalisation of abject poverty.

The South Norfolk Green Party offers an alternative, and that's why I support them.

I'm embedding this ONS website because it's really slick and backs up my point about inequality.

Eastern Green Party

I support the Eastern Green Party for the same reason as the South Norfolk Green Party. 

As one of two Equality and Diversity Officers for the Eastern Green Party, I am committed to improving our inclusion and diversity. I will focus on supporting disabled members, in particular, to stand in elections. 

The Green Party of England and Wales

The Green Party has strong, pragmatic policies and is a viable alternative to the neoliberal failures offered by other political parties.

 It's about time we have elected representatives who do their duty rather than using their power for their personal gain.

Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust

I stand with the NHS, particularly the Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust (NSFT). As someone who has accessed mental health services, I firmly believe that the NSFT must be given more funding to ensure it can continue to deliver the high-quality care that its staff can provide. 

I was recently appointed as an NHS Governor for the Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust, where I hold the Board to account for their running of the Trust.


I joined the Wymondham Rotary Satellite Group in late 2021 while I was recovering from a particularly nasty bout of pandemic-induced depression and anxiety. The kindness and understanding of members enabled me to get involved in volunteering and move on to many of the things on this page, and for that, I am forever grateful.

I ran the Rotary Challenge in 2022 and drew up maps to support the Wymondham Food and Drink Festival, run by the Rotary Satellite Group in both 2022 and 2023.

I recommend joining the group, especially if you have fundraising ideas or have some free time - it's a great way to make a difference to the many charities that the Rotary Satellite Group support, such as Home-Start. 

Wymondham Youth Network

I set up the Wymondham Youth Network with two brilliant friends. We'd all had enough of seeing the youth of Wymondham being let down time and time again by the Council and, sadly, their community. 

We aim to fix that by amplifying youth voices, lobbying for change and working with existing provisions to adapt them for the youth. 

Click the Facebook button below to see our page and give us a like to keep updated.


Wymondham Community Enterprise Incubator

I was inspired by Todd Baker's article in the Wymondham Magazine (left), so I started the Wymondham Community Enterprise Incubator to bring locals together to discuss ideas and get to know each other.

We've already got a lot of members and are excited to have our first meeting soon. 

I hope by bringing like-minded people together, we can kick start a boom in community enterprises and revolutionise our historic high street, ensuring that Wymondham can weather any economic storm. 


Wymondham Access Group

Wymondham Access Group (WAG) campaigns for better accessibility for disabled people. 

A key focus is the Wymondham Railway Station, which has no step-free access to Platform 2. 

I am working with WAG to support them in their campaigning, and I hope to help bring about this much-needed change.  

Click the Facebook button to see WAG's Facebook page. Give them a like to keep updated.


Autism in Norfolk, UK

I set up this Facebook group because I struggled to find other autistic people in Norfolk. If you are autistic or support someone who is autistic, and you live in Norfolk, please feel free to join by clicking the Facebook icon below. 


Dignity in Dying

I support Dignity in Dying because I want the right to die if my health deteriorates to the point I am suffering without hope of recovering. 

In such an instance, I may wish to choose death and would much prefer a Doctor prescribes me a fatal dose than venture out and find another means, which may cause further suffering. 

Equally, I may decide I'd rather wait until my natural end, but I don't know how I'd feel in that situation, so I want as many options as possible. 

In any case, I believe that going out on one's own terms is fair enough when one is experiencing immeasurable suffering, and I recommend looking at their website over there on the left. 

Haemochromatosis UK

I found out I had Hereditary Haemochromatosis in 2020 after doctors noticed my blood contained far too much iron. They tested my genes and found I was homozygous in the C282Y gene, which means that my human haemostatic iron regulator protein is faulty. The effect is that my body doesn't regulate my iron levels effectively, leading to an accumulation of iron in my liver, pancreas and heart (amongst other places). 

Thankfully, the treatment is straightforward. Bloodletting. 

Yep, bloodletting. 

It's not with leeches, though! These days things are a bit more sophisticated, and blood is taken with a needle in a procedure known as a venesection. It's essentially the same as giving blood, except it generally gets thrown away at the end. If you want to see a picture of me with a bag of my blood from a venesection, then cycle through to the other picture.

Haemochromatosis UK has worked to make an exception, so it is now possible for people with haemochromatosis to donate it.

I volunteer with Haemochromatosis UK to support their Facebook group, where those diagnosed with Haemochromatosis can come together to talk about life with the disease and find support. 

Drug Science

For far too long, medication has been withheld from the public due to antiquated moral policing. Drugs such as cannabis, MDMA and Psilocybin have enormous potential to help people who have epilepsy, PTSD, depression and anxiety, but research has been illegal for decades, so millions of people have missed out on potentially life-saving and almost certainly life-improving treatments. 

Thankfully, Professor David Nutt has taken a stand against the absurd position of the government and brought about fresh research into the drugs. The results have been astounding, and it is hopeful that psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy will one day be offered on the NHS.

Below is a button that will take you to Lyphe, one of the cannabis clinics.

And this is a button that will take you to MedBud, a website that keeps patients informed about all things cannabis related.

NHS Patient Participation

As someone who is an NHS service user, I like to give back where I can, so I volunteer as a patient participant. 

This involves giving feedback, helping design the website and more. I will soon be delivering training to Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners, which has been made possible by Patient Participation. 

If you are a service user, I recommend contacting your people participation coordinator to get involved. 

My Life Autistic

I support My Life Autistic because of the fantastic work Ross does in advocating for autistic people and our rights. 

Being autistic, I strongly believe in Ross's work to build a world that works for people like us. 

The Disability Union

I am disabled as per the Equality Act definition and, therefore, believe it is important to know how to stand up for myself when faced with issues such as discrimination. 

The Disability Union is here to defend disabled people such as myself and to make Britain an inclusive nation. 

There's a lot of work to be done but I am confident The Disability Union will play a major role in making it happen, that's why I pay to be a member. 

More will be added in due course